jfan wrote:Fenway, do you know why a school is ranked as a Regional vs a National? Always been curious about that.
First of all, let's acknowledge that the US News rankings are not a serious effort to tell us what colleges do. They are a vehicle to sell magazines and thereby make money.
To your question, the Carnegie Foundation for Higher Education in 1970 established a framework for classifying colleges and universities by category. Their goal was primarily so that the government could have some objective standard to decide where to invest research dollars.
"National Universities" is simply US News' euphemism for Carnefie's "research universities" (doctoral level schools). Originally Carnegie broke the research universities into 2 categories, based on the level of dollars spent on research
The US News' euphemism of "regional universities" refers to Carnegie's master's level colleges and the "national liberal arts colleges" to highly competitive Bachelor's level colleges with less competitive schools relegated to their "regional liberal arts" category.