by SJHooper » Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:10 pm
Georgetown with the most absolutely awful, terrible, pathetic, mind-numbingly stupid last 3 minutes of a far. Stepping out of bounds, losing the ball, 2 travels (1 was an accidental slip), not taking time off the clock with 3:30 left and turning it over rushing, fouls galore. They really rescued defeat from the jaws of victory. They had to totally collapse to lose this game and they did. Wow. I honestly think it's time for JTIII to go. I am in utter shock. Brutal loss that was a 99% win with just a few minutes to go. Also, the refs were absolutely horrendous. It was to the point where if you even think about an opposing player it's a foul. They need to find a way to speed up the last 5 minutes of games because the last 5 minutes of this game took what felt like 45 minutes. G'Town also committed 2-3 fouls in precious closing minutes BEFORE MARYLAND INBOUNDED! This means no time was taken off the clock and not only did they save precious time but the Terps got 2-3 free timeouts...they were out of them.
I don't think I've ever or will ever see an ending like this again. G'Town has the talent they just totally lack discipline and a killer instinct. It's like the opposite of Nova. Pack it up and come back 10x harder next game. We need G'Town to be way better than this.