by gtmoBlue » Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:41 pm
Proud as hell of all our Big East teams and players. Way to go Prov.
Surprised by the extent of the Marquette L and shocked that UConn lost at all?
C'mon Big East today...(Friday-18th)
Very pleased with the lil Cr8n performance yesterday. The Big Ryan injury caught me off guard. Oops.
Wasn't gonna be any cakewalk to begin with, but now...Very shorthanded, injury-riddled, and short-benched:
2 scholie players Rati & Kancleris... and 2 walk-ons: Devin and Sami, healthy. Doesn't look promising...
However, Kansas - in the Dance - has consistently choked under several differing scenarios over the years.
God willing, the Jays play like they did vs Nova Gm1 and Prov Gm2 (BET), KU has shot their wad yesterday vs Tex St, and
ol' Easy Ed loans the Jays a bit of Irish Luck...Who knows what may transpire. That's why they play the games.
#RollProvidence #RollDamnJays
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Nicholas Klein (1918)
"Top tier teams rarely have true "down" years and find a way to stay relevant every year." - Adoraz