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Butler Return Flight Lost Pressure, Thankfully All Is Fine

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:41 am
by billyjack
Posted by FDS in the Thursday game discussion, but i think deserves its own thread...

Butler's charter plane last night lost cabin pressure on return flight to Indianapolis. Lights went out, oxygen masks dropped, plane needed to drop down quickly to 10k feet from 35k, then made landing in Pittsburgh where they stayed overnight. One article said the team would take a bus back home today. Headaches today for some. Glad everything worked out in the end. ... uys-crying

Re: Butler Return Flight Lost Pressure, Thankfully All Is Fi

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:55 am
by GoldenWarrior11
Very scary situation for Butler, their players, coaches and any other personnel on the plane. We should all be incredibly thankful it didn't lead to something worse and that all are ok.

Re: Butler Return Flight Lost Pressure, Thankfully All Is Fi

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:11 pm
by Bill Marsh
billyjack wrote:Posted by FDS in the Thursday game discussion, but i think deserves its own thread...

Butler's charter plane last night lost cabin pressure on return flight to Indianapolis. Lights went out, oxygen masks dropped, plane needed to drop down quickly to 10k feet from 35k, then made landing in Pittsburgh where they stayed overnight. One article said the team would take a bus back home today. Headaches today for some. Glad everything worked out in the end. ... uys-crying

What a bad weekend for them! Best wishes to them after a terrible situation.

Re: Butler Return Flight Lost Pressure, Thankfully All Is Fi

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:21 pm
by mel ott
A prayer of thanks that they all survived this scary event. That would be completely unnerving.